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Cleopatra VII was one of the influential Egyptian women who ruled Egypt from 51 BC to 30 BC. She belonged to the lineage of the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt. Its full name was Cleopatra VII Sia Floor Pattern, born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt and her father was Ptolemy 12 and mother Cleopatra V. She was the last female pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt.

She was a member of the Ptolemy dynasty which was a native of Greece, they ruled Egypt during the Halo Nickel period after the death of Napoleon. was refused but Cleopatra learned to speak the Egyptian language, she offered Egyptian language in the royal court and considered herself a complete incarnation of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Cleopatra actually ruled jointly with one or the other, initially with her father and later with her brothers. She was married only with her brothers according to the centuries-old tradition in Egypt in which daughters were given There was a right in the movable property of the father, but due to the fear of division between the son and the daughter of the state, the marriage was solemnized between them, but even after marriage, Cleopatra did not let her status dwindle. He established contact with the Roman general Julius Caesar, which strengthened his hold on the throne of Egypt. She also gave birth to her son, who was named Caesarean. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, in 44 BC, Cleopatra had a new relationship with Marc Antony, who was an opponent of Julius Caesar’s legal heir, Octavian. Cleopatra gave birth to two twins, Celine II and Alexander Alison, from Marc Antoine’s physical relationship. They had another son who was named titled On Me Flood X. The relationship with Cleopatra’s brother produced no children. Marc Antoine committed suicide after Octavian finally defeated several in battle with military force. Cleopatra also committed suicide, following the tradition.

Cleopatra did a lot during your short reign. She became the central character of William Shakespeare’s Antoine and Cleopatra in Western culture, especially painting and literature.

Cleopatra in her beauty and skill remains the ideal of women of western civilization even today.

Cleopatra, the common nickname for the young queens of the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty. Originally it was the name of the wife of Talmi (V), the daughter of Antioch the Great, of the Siluk dynasty. But the fame of this name is due to Olitiz, the daughter of the 11th Talemi. He was born in about 69 AD. Before that there had been six queens of this name in this dynasty. For this reason she is called Cleopatra (Seventh).

When Cleopatra was 17 years old, her father died. According to the father’s will, she and her younger Ptolemy Dionysus received the kingdom jointly and she was to be the wife of this brother according to the Egyptian custom. But as a result of the conflict for the authority, he had to flee the kingdom and flee to Syria. Still he did not give up his courage. At the same time Julius Caesar came to Egypt following Pompey. There he became enamored of Cleopatra and agreed to fight on her behalf. As a result Ptolemy was killed and Cleopatra ascended the throne of Egypt. According to the ancient Egyptian custom, she began to rule together with another younger brother. But soon she poisoned her younger brother and went to Rome to live as a concubine of Julius Caesar. He also had a son with him, but the Romans did not like this relationship in any way. So Caesar was assassinated (44 BC). Then she went back to Egypt.

41 BC Marc Antoni also fell victim to Cleopatra’s beauty. The two spent the winter together in Alexandria. The Romans opposed him. Octavian (Augustus) attacked him on 2 September 31 BC. defeated him in the battle of Aktium. Cleopatra fled the battlefield to Alexandria with her 60 ships. Antani also joined her, but seeing no hope of success, she agreed to kill Anthony at the behest of Octavian and took Antoni to the mausoleum which she had built, luring her to die together. There Atani ends her life under the illusion that Cleopatra has committed suicide. Don’t fall into the trap of Octavian Cleopatra. According to legend, he killed her through a stinging animal. Thus 29 August 30 BC. He died and the Ptolemy dynasty came to an end. Egypt became subject to the Romans. Cleopatra’s name is still famous as an anecdote in the world of love. She was not as beautiful as Medhavini. It is said that she could speak several languages ​​and simultaneously spoke to the foreign ambassadors in their different languages ​​at the same time. With the cleverness of his lambda, many Roman generals one after the other became his dependent and beloved. He married Antony and got coins of his and his joint form also minted. He had three children from him. Many artists modeled their idols on the imitation of Cleopatra. She became so popular in literature that litterateurs of many languages ​​made her the heroine in their works. In English literature, three playwrights β€” Shakespeare, Dryden and Bernard Shaw β€” have decorated their plays with his personality.




Motivational writer and speaker Sãððãm HΓ»ssaΓ¬Γ±πš‚π™°π™³π™³π™°π™Όπ™·πš„πš‚πš‚π™°π™Έπ™½πŸΊπŸΊπŸΏπŸΊ