Another year has come and gone and with everyone only a few weeks into starting their resolution, Iโ€™ve found out that a lot of people either are struggling to begin or have already stumbled on their path to success.

Photo by Liam Drinan on Unsplash

With 2021 behind us and 2022 starting off on some pretty solid bad notes (RIP Betty White), itโ€™s only a matter of time before we start to see the posts about people giving up before they even try and start to work towards their goals for the year. Itโ€™s been a rough couple of years with a pandemic and political turmoil consuming the media pretty much daily, so I canโ€™t say I blame anyone whoโ€™s too exhausted to feel like they could even begin to work towards these big goals.

Before you completely decide youโ€™ve given up on things, consider instead manifesting what you want to accomplish.

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve heard here and there that when someone talks about the success that theyโ€™ve been able to obtain, or maintain, they manifested it for themselves. What does it mean to manifest? Manifesting is demonstrated by having a positive and clear outlook that you will succeed and knowing within yourself that your goals arenโ€™t goals, but simply milestones that youโ€™re waiting to celebrate in accomplishment. Think real third eye kind of stuff where you sense yourself already having these things accomplished in the foresight kind of sense.

Itโ€™s been a long-running joke to self-defecate on how we go through our daily lives, so itโ€™s not surprising how we also tend to do the same with what we plan out for goals we have for ourselves. Now, Iโ€™m all for jokes, specifically the self-defecating type, but I also know that these jokes can also lead to us giving up on our goals before we really even try to accomplish them. I myself have become so much more spiritual in a lot of ways over the last few years, and though Iโ€™m not completely educated in the way of manifestation I believe that in allowing ourselves to joke about giving up, we are sort of fulfilling that prophecy because even in the joking sense there is still a small belief in the idea that we wonโ€™t hit the mark so why not just stop there?

If we allow ourselves to take a moment during our day and go through in our minds what we hope to get done that day we typically are able to do so, so why not do the same with our long-term goals? Every successful person Iโ€™ve seen talk about how they got to where they are all said that not only did they remind themselves of what they would accomplish by positively reinforcing the idea that thereโ€™s more to what they need in life and they simply canโ€™t stop until they are there, but they also wrote down their manifestations so that it was solidified and on paper. Now itโ€™s not just a thing that they said out loud to themselves randomly one day, itโ€™s like a contractual agreement with themselves that they are required to fulfill.

We need to reset ourselves frequently during the COVID era because of how much we all have happening in our life, so I understand that a lot of us have sort of just stayed in โ€œI give upโ€ mode after years of tiring closures and staying inside as to keep ourselves and everyone around us safe. Itโ€™s in this though that we need to remember we canโ€™t really keep ourselves in that spot mentally because that will only allow us to get comfortable in living in failure. Sure, you can think that if you havenโ€™t tried you havenโ€™t failed, but if you want to succeed and smash out all those goals that youโ€™ve set for yourself, you need to believe that settling is failing, because it is.

Keeping ourselves mentally focused and prepared is just as important as keeping physically in shape. Our mental is everything especially in the time of COVID, so taking time out of your days to do breathing exercises, time of reflection, and peacefulness you are going to slowly grow your sense of self as well as our confidence in getting things accomplished.

So donโ€™t wait any longer. Manifest for yourself the life you deserve in every aspect.




Motivational writer and speaker Sรฃรฐรฐรฃm Hรปssaรฌรฑ๐š‚๐™ฐ๐™ณ๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐™ผ๐™ท๐š„๐š‚๐š‚๐™ฐ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿบ